Monday 29 June 2015

half the year is gone - let's seize the rest of it

It's been a while since I've written something. I've been a bit sick - still am, actually. But at least today I felt like getting out of bed wouldn't make my head explode.

There are a few things on my mind, none of which I really want to get into today - like the horrible accident that happened in front of our house two days ago, or the whole rainbow pride thing. I'd rather just share with you my strategy for success for what's left of 2015.

1. About God:  Find out what His will is for me, and do it. Get close to Him, so that I can
    know His heart about all matters at all times.

2. About relationships:  Have FUN with my husband. Spend quality time with close friends
    and go out and do some new stuff together. Go to towns that we haven't visited before.

3. About finances: Take it one day at a time. Don't just try new things, but stick to what I've
    started. Persevere. MAKE. IT. WORK. Tithe, invest and plan, but also spend a bit, and
    bless others.

4. About time management: There's a lot of time in each day. Make use of it. Watch less TV.
    Spend less time on electronic devices. Have a "to-do" list, and DO the things on it.

5. About health: Start exercising again. Have a schedule and stick to it. Eat more
    vegetables. Oh, and floss daily.

There you have it. That's my plan for success for the second half of 2015. What's yours?

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